Pediatric Enchondroma

  • Etiology: tumor of cartilage rests deposited in medullary cavity as growth plate moves away from diaphysis
  • Imaging: seen in metaphysis of long bones especially feet + hands, lucent, expansile, can have calcification
  • Clinical: enchondromatosis (Maffucci syndrome, Ollier disease)

Radiology Cases of Enchondroma

Radiology Cases of Enchondromatosis – Maffucci Syndrome

Radiograph of multiple enchondromas of the hand in Maffucci syndrome
AP (left) and oblique (right) radiographs of the hand show, in the second / third / fourth phalanges, multiple metaphyseal lesions that are lytic with a narrow zone of transition and no periosteal reaction.

Radiology Cases of Enchondromatosis – Ollier Disease

Radiograph of multiple enchondromas of the hand in Ollier disease
AP radiograph of the hand shows lesions in the third metacapal head distally and in the proximal and middle phalanges proximally that are metaphyseal in location, expansile and lytic in appearance, with a narrow zone of transition and without periosteal reaction.
Radiograph of multiple enchondromas of knee in Ollier disease
AP radiograph of the knee shows metaphyseal lesions in the femur and tibia and fibula that are expansile and lytic in appearance with some striations within them with a narrow zone of transition and no periosteal reaction.