School ager with seizures

MRI and CT of arrested pneumatization of the skull base
Axial T1 MRI without contrast of the brain (above left) shows an isointense signal intensity lesion in the right sphenoid bone that on T2 MRI (above right) shows a high signal intensity and which did not show enhancement post contrast. The remaining paranasal sinuses are clear. Coronal CT without contrast of the maxillofacial bones (below) shows the right sphenoid bone to be filled with a lucent non-expansile and non-destructive lesion.

The diagnosis was arrested pneumatization of the skull base.

Preschooler with a cystic structure in the right kidney

CT of simple renal cyst
Coronal (left) and axial (above right) images from a CT with contrast of the abdomen obtained soon after the injection of contrast (nephrographic phase) show a claw sign in the right kidney encasing a large round low density lesion in the lower pole of the right kidney. The Hounsfield unit of the cystic lesion was that of water. Axial delayed image (excretory phase) from the same exam (below right) shows no contrast in the cystic structure.

The diagnosis was a simple renal cyst and not a calyceal diverticulum.

Teenager with black and blue subcutaneous nodules and chronic GI bleeding

Tagged red blood cell nuclear medicine scan and angiogram of blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome
Nuclear medicine tagged red blood cell scan for GI bleeding shows AP and lateral images of the abdomen obtained immediately after the beginning of the exam (above top row) and 4 hours later (above bottom row). The images show immediate pooling of radiotracer in multiple discrete areas in the abdomen and pelvis with continued radiotracer accumulation in these areas over time. Arterial phase image from a superior mesenteric artery angiogram (below left) shows normal arterial vessels, while the venous phase (below right) shows contrast puddling in rounded spaces that filled in over time in the small bowel and ascending colon that were consistent with venous malformations.

The diagnosis was blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome.

Preschooler after cardiac arrest

CT and CT angiogram of giant intracranial aneursym
Axial CT without contrast of the head (above) shows a round mixed density lesion just to the right of the third ventricle along with diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral edema. Axial (below left) and sagittal (below right) CT angiogram shows the lesion to arise from the A1 segment of the right anterior cerebral artery.

The diagnosis was giant intracranial aneurysm which had ruptured causing subarachnoid hemorrhage and diffuse cerebral edema.